My favorite app is Youtube
There are a few reasons for this! First Youtube is a great source of information. Youtube allows creators to post videos that could be informational, entertainment, or news content. This is great as it is another platform that people can use to find information or a source of entertainment.Youtube has had its fair share of controversy recently last year a well known Youtuber known as Logan Paul who has 18 million people following him uploaded a series of controversial videos while visiting Japan. These videos caught mainstream attention. The first video he posted was himself being very insensitive to Japanese culture. The second and more well known of the two was a video of a recently deceased person who committed suicide. This sent the internet into a frenzy calling for action from the media giant. Which they did they took down his Youtube Red series and removed him from there preferred advertiser platform which is how large Youtuber's make there money. By him doing this not only did it show that Youtube pays attention to the content that is on its platform but that it also respects people's first amendment to free speech as multiple Youtube videos in response to his video were uploaded to the platform.
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