Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Blog Post: 9 Your Online Presence

There are many new things that people use social media for today. One of the biggest that comes to mind for me being a current college student is the use for applying for jobs. Companies will do a quick google search and find things about you that could be detrimental to your name and your self brand.

Social Media has been used by so many of us constantly without giving anything a second thought. The most obvious sign of this would be if you are underage and post a photo with alcohol to your social media account. Companies not only look for this stuff but they look for stuff that would be potentially problematic or harmful to there brand. Along with that we don't always voluntarily put information online for other people to use sometimes its either stolen or a friend posts it and someone finds it and tags us in it. There are plenty of ways to combat this the biggest would be to adjust your privacy settings, or to not have an account all together just to name a few. As the day and age of social media moves on people will constantly be using it for many more ways than it was originally intended for.


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